The Post-Professional OTD (pOTD) requires successful completion 36 credit hours inclusive of 24 credit hours of core coursework and 12 credit hours that allow students to align the pOTD program with their career interests. pOTD students may select a concentration in Teaching and Learning, Clinical Research, or Advanced Practice.
Total Coursework: 36 credit hours | 3 credits each
- HFR 8123 Qualitative Methods for the Health Professions
Introduction to qualitative methods used in the generation and analysis of data relevant to health professionals. Prerequisites: HFR 8270 (3 credit hours)
- HFR 8270 Research Methods for the Health Professions I
Students design research and study methods to address gaps in the body of health science knowledge. (3 credit hours)
- HFR 8271 Research Methods for Health Professionals II
This course is a continuation of HFR 8270. Students are prepared to manage data and conduct quantitative analyses to test hypotheses and support decision making. (3 credit hours)
- OT 8220 Measurement of Human Function and Learning
Measurement is an essential feature for quantifying and understanding change in human performance. In particular, this course will focus on changes in performance that occur in clinical environments, in adult educational settings, and in research programs. This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of measuring human function including selecting, implementing, and evaluating assessment tools. Topics include: levels of measurement; purposes (e.g., screening, diagnosis, effectiveness, decision-making); issues in selection of assessment tools; proximity of the measure to the “intervention”; utility including reliability and validity; precision including range, targeting, and sensitivity to change; and efficiency and practicality (including different kinds of assessment e.g. PROM, clinician-observed performance, tool-based). In addition, the course will look at the process of instrument development based on FDA guidelines. The course will provide opportunities to try out and reflect on the experience implementing, scoring, and interpreting different assessments for clinical practice, education, and research purposes. (3 credit hours)
- HFR 8272 Mixed Methods in Translational Health Sciences
This course provides an introduction to mixed methods as a legitimate design tradition, with a unique set of procedures for data collection, analysis, and strategies to assure rigor and accuracy. The course will begin with an overview of qualitative research traditions as the basis for integrating qualitative and quantitative design components in a mixed methods study. Special emphasis will focus on maintaining the scientific rigor of the predominant design tradition while building in flexibility to adequately address complex translational questions. Learners will design a mixed methods study to address a translational research question.(3 credit hours)
- OT 8274 Program Theory and Health Innovations
A translational approach to practice requires health intervention programs that are evidence-based, have a theoretical foundation, and are based on strategies to support fidelity. The purpose of this course is to introduce program theory as the basis for designing health intervention programs that can be tested using scientific methods, replicated in practice, and inform policy. The program development and evaluation process used in this course is applicable to a wide range of health intervention programs, including programs delivered through health education, telemedicine, group therapy, and one-on-one treatment. The deliverables from this course will serve as the basis for the capstone project in OT 8275 and OT 8276. (3 credit hours)
- OT 8275 Capstone Preparation
This course is designed to result in a well-defined, evidence-based, and feasible capstone proposal, including literature review, problem statement, project goals and procedures, evaluation approach, timeline with benchmarks, recruitment plan, and application for human subjects oversight (i.e., IRB approval), if indicated. Designed as a combination of didactic information, peer discussion, and advisor discussions, this course will train students to more effectively communicate the purpose, rationale/theory, and design of their proposed capstone. (3 credits)
- OT 8276 Doctoral Capstone
The mentored doctoral capstone project represents the culmination of the Advanced Practice OT degree. The purpose of the doctoral capstone project is for the learner to demonstrate advanced skills in evidence-based OT practice. Building on OT 8275 Capstone Preparation, the learner works collaboratively with a primary mentor and capstone advisory committee to implement and evaluate a project that reflects an identified need in the learner area of practice, and which reflects the GW OTD program’s emphasis on translational science. Doctoral capstone projects will require the learner to synthesize, integrate and apply coursework into a consequential project. Thus, the course is conducted as a doctoral seminar with learners working independently but engaging in structured online discussions with faculty and their learning cohort. (3 credit hours)
- HFR 8212 Teaching Strategies in the Health Professions
Application of teaching and learning principles in the delivery of education in health professions; practices grounded in andragogy, contributing to curriculum program development, and the enhancement of teaching and assessment skills. Recommended background: Experience in health care or practice as a health care professional. (3 credits)
- HFR 8213 Curriculum Development in the Health Professions
Curriculum development and assessment skills in medical and health science settings. Recommended background: experience in health care or practice as a health care professional. (3 credits)
- HFR 8214 Assessment in Health Professional Education
Skills needed to effectively assess individual achievement of required clinical competencies and implement a comprehensive assessment of course and program goals. Prerequisites: HFR 8212 and HFR 8213. (3 credits)
- HFR 8215 Technology and Education in Health Professions
Students design, develop, implement and assess technology-based education approaches for the health profession. Prerequisites: HFR 8212 and HFR 8213 (3 credits)
- HFR 8313 Knowledge Translation in Health Care
Examination of the emerging field of knowledge translation, which integrates knowledge across the domains of translational research, implementation and dissemination science, and collaboration and team science within the context of current health practice and legislation. (3 credits)
- HFR 8314 Health Care Research
Skills needed for planning and implementation of health care research within clinical institutions; institutions and regulatory requirements for health care research including those involving human subjects. Prerequisites: CML 6203 and HFR 8116. (3 credits)
- OT 8215 Quality Improvement Through Translational Practices
This course will introduce learners to concepts in quality improvement and the current healthcare environment that is creating a culture of quality and value-based purchasing. Learners will understand the components of a quality indicator, including both process and outcome indicators. Learners will reflect on how health care generally, and their own practice specifically, can benefit from defining and monitoring quality. The course will also consider how to develop and validate quality indicators and implement quality improvement projects, exploring the connection with evidence-based practice. Learners will learn how to track and monitor quality improvement projects. (3 credits)
- Approved pOTD concentration course
Select one approved pOTD concentration course.
- OT 8448 Advanced Practice in Neurocognitive Disorders (3 credits)
Provides an in-depth examination of the advanced clinical practice in neurocognitive disorders (NCD), which includes a range of diagnostic subtypes such as Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Lewy Bodies Dementia, vascular dementia and Parkinson’s disease dementia. The course content provides an overview of the multifactorial etiology of NCD and its effects on the biopsychosocial and occupational health of individuals with NCD and their families. Treatment and assessment is organized according to a typical pattern of NCD progression, and includes programs to address the needs of caregivers. This course provides learners with a hands-on opportunity to work with a transdisciplinary team, clients and caregivers, and OT colleagues to develop OT intervention within a translational framework (either onsite at GW or via synchronous webcast).
- OT 8450 Cognition and Cognitive Rehabilitation (3 credits)
Provides advanced principles and theories of cognitive rehabilitation. Content emphasizes the latest research in information processing. Standardized cognitive assessment instruments are analyzed with a focus upon dynamic testing theory and implications for occupational therapy functional assessment. A variety of diagnoses with resulting cognitive impairments are discussed in terms of intervention for persons with stroke, TBI, schizophrenia, substance abuse, etc. Use of the computer in treatment and review of cognitive rehabilitation software is included. This course provides learners with a hands-on opportunity to work with a transdisciplinary team, clients and caregivers, and OT colleagues to develop OT intervention within a translational framework (either onsite at GW or via synchronous webcast).
- HSCI 6297 Independent Study for Health Professionals
Independent study involving analysis of a clinical topic, a patient education project, or an on-site mentored clinical research practicum. (3 credits)
- Approved pOTD concentration course
Select one approved pOTD concentration course.
Health Care Quality and Policy
- HCQ 6200 Introduction to Health Care Quality
An overview of the US health care system and the influence of health policy development and implementation on health care quality. Introduction to fundamental concepts of health care quality, patient safety, leadership, and change management. (3 credits)
- CML 6203 Health Information, Quality, and Outcomes
Approaches to medical informatics to support managerial decision making, patient care, and quality improvement in clinical practices. Ethical, legal, and social dimensions of health care information technology. (3 credits)
- HSCI 6297 Independent Study for Health Professionals
Independent study involving analysis of a clinical topic, a patient education project, or an on-site mentored clinical research practicum. (3 credits)
- HSCI 6241 The Health Care Enterprise
An overview of global business principles related to health care systems: the management of patient-centered care delivery, marketing, finance and fiscal management principles, information technology, and quality improvement. (3 credits)
Leadership in the Health Professions
- HFR 8101 Interprofessional Collaboration in Practice
This course analyzes the core competencies and skills needed to participate effectively in team-based care for patients and populations. Emphasis on communication and flexible leadership strategies and the impact of interprofessional practice on health delivery practices and outcomes. (3 credits)
- HFR 8116 Academic and Clinical Leadership in the Health Professions
This course builds the skills needed to serve as a clinical or academic leader in the health professions. Students learn how to think strategically and align goals and resources to prepare health care professionals to serve as effective providers in evolving contexts. (3 credits)
- HSCI 6297 Independent Study for Health Professionals
Independent study involving analysis of a clinical topic, a patient education project, or an on-site mentored clinical research practicum. (3 credits)
- Approved pOTD concentration course
Select one approved pOTD concentration course.