Students apply lessons from the Systems and Advocacy course to Congressional Meetings during AOTA's Annual Hill Day.
The GW occupational therapy program hosted Fall Prevention Awareness Day with the Department of Aging and Community Living on Thursday, September 19.
Faculty attended the reception for the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act at the White House.
Assistant professor Ann M. Henshaw, OTD, MBA, MPH, OTR/L publishes blog for the Center to Advance Palliative Care.
Three GW programs volunteer at the first Paralympics and Disability Pride Open House at the White House.
GW OT Student Ambassadors, Jenny and Celia, record videos to capture a day in their life as first-year students. Follow along as they start their day, take a practical assessment, lead a facility tour with a prospective student, and enjoy a night out in Washington, D.C.
Twenty–one GW students from the speech-language pathology and occupational therapy programs collaborate on a weeklong children’s summer experiential program for level I fieldwork, interprofessional collaboration, and doctoral capstone projects.
The Equity Committee within the GW Occupational Therapy program recognizes the month of July to celebrate the publication of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Marisa Mansueto, to serve in the Department of Health, Human Function, and Rehabilitation Sciences as associate director for clinical education.